Reflexology and TCM

Posted by on Apr 4, 2013 in Reflexology Techniques | Comments Off

Western medicine addresses the symptoms of a condition, while TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) looks at the underlying causative factors.  Lilian Tibshraeny-Morten, who wrote a very informative book titled “Reflexology and Meridian Therapy”, refers to these underlying causative factors as the Wand Reflex.
For example, a client comes to you with tinnitus.  In traditional, western reflexology, the focus of the session would be to work on the ear reflexes, and possibly the brain and cervical spine reflexes.  However, a TCM view of tinnitus might recognize the underlying causative factor of rising liver heat, and possibly kidney yin deficiency.  Therefore, emphasizing the liver reflex along with its coupled organ, the gallbladder, and working the kidney/bladder reflexes would make a session much more effective.
By incorporating the principals of TCM into reflexology, one has a broader range of options to work with in order to better serve the client.