Meet my newest graduates from 2014! Congratulations on your dedication and hard work in completing your 200 hour program. You are now fully certified reflexologists! I can’t wait to hear about your success stories in your new careers!
New Headway for Reflexology!
Reflexology will move forward as an approach to women’s health care and wellness issues, thanks to a recently passed resolution by the National Foundation of Women Legislators (NFWL). The group’s resolution encourages state and national organizations to join them in supporting reflexology, “as part of a holistic, comprehensive, and patient-centered approach to care.” The resolution was brought to the NFWL by reflexologists Paul Harvey, Christine Issel, and Bill Flocco. Paul, Chris, and Bill worked for three years to bring about the...
read moreNew Reflexology Certificants!
Wow! We did it! These 4 amazing women are now officially certified reflexologists! It was incredible to be a part of their learning journey. Their dedication, persistence and enthusiasm was beyond impressive. Pamela Jackson is opening up her reflexology and herbal practice in Franklin, NC. Isis Dudek will be practicing in Asheville, NC, and Patty Kranendonk, and Shelly Daugherty will be expanding their massage practices in the Columbia, SC area. I love that there will be more highly qualified reflexologists out there representing...
read moreThyme for Thyme
Different geographical locations determine the chemical composition of certain types of plants, resulting in different chemotypes. The timing of the harvest of a plant also has a direct influence on its chemical composition. Not every plant can adapt to various growing areas, therefore do not produce chemotypes. Some common plants that contain various chemotypes are members of the mint (Labiatae) family, rosemary, basil, tarragon, sage, melissa, valerian, and thyme. Let’s talk about the broad range of chemotypes found in thyme (thymus...
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Different species of a particular plant can produce an essential oil of a different composition. Did you also know that there are cases where plants of the same botanical species can also produce an oil of distinctly different compositions? This phenomenon is called chemical polymorphism. Two such examples are rosemary and thyme. The reason for this phenomenon is not totally understood. However, geographical location, climate, and genetics are 3 contributing factors. In labeling these oils, the Latin name of the plant is followed by the...
read moreLavender Essential Oils
You’re first experience with essential oils is most likely with lavender. It’s considered the “universal oil” in that its chemical complexity lends itself to a variety of uses. However, finding a genuine and authentic lavender oil can be a challenge. The bulk of lavender oil is traditionally grown in France, although there are a scant number of farms here in the States that are growing and distilling quality lavender. According to Kurt Schnaubelt, an aromatherapy expert, French export data show that over 250 tons of so called...
read moreLung Health and Reflexology
We breathe in oxygen and chi (energy) and expel carbon dioxide and moisture/mucus. There are 2 main ways of breathing. They are costal (shallow) and diaphragmatic (deep). Diaphragmatic breathing keeps us healthy on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. All children breathe from their belly, or “hara.” TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) recognizes the connection between lungs and kidneys. Our inhalation is due to the power of the kidneys to grasp air. They’re like magnets pulling the chi of air in. Difficulty in...
read moreReflexology for the Stressed Gut
Simply put, stress is the sympathetic nervous system in overdrive, and the digestive system is the most common site of expression of stress related illness. Reflexology can come to the aid by supporting the parasympathetic nervous system. One simple way to do this is to work with the vagus nerve reflexes, as mapped on the feet. The vagus nerve is one of the longest of all the cranial nerves, branching out to form a sort of electrical circuit linking our heart, lungs, and gut to the brain stem. There are several reflexes on the feet that...
read moreReflexology for Muscle Pain
Most people in the U.S. probably wouldn’t think of seeing a reflexologist for muscle pain. But, did you know that in Denmark, 80% of the people who see a reflexologist go for that very reason? And here’s why. The muscles can act as a biofeedback system to identify the source of blockages in the body via the nervous system. The flow of energy within the body that relates to muscles, also relate to the energy of our vital organs. This connection is recognized in applied kinesiology. When our bodies are stressed, we produce adrenaline...
read moreEucalyptus Essential Oils
Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree that can grow to over 300 feet, making it one of the world’s tallest trees. Native to Australia and Tasmania, these trees grow in many areas around the world. There are over 700 varieties, and more than 500 that produce an essential oil. The most common varieties distilled and sold as essential oils are eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus citriodora, and eucalyptus dives. They can improve breathing by “opening the chest”, and decongesting. The fresh, uplifting aroma can revive the...
read moreRelieving bunion pain
A bunion (halux valgus) is a deformity of the great toe, where the metatarsaophalangeal joint protrudes laterally, and the head of the great toe turns inward toward the other toes, sometime crossing over or under the 2nd toe. The bursal sac of the joint becomes swollen and often quite painful. Bunions can be caused from wearing shoes that do not fit properly. Genetics is also thought to be another probable cause. There are some very effective ways to alleviate the pain, and even correct bunions. I can speak from personal experience the...
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